10 Signs You Are \’Mommy’s Boy\’

Many guys still struggle with matriarchal obsession. You are indeed a \”Mommy\’s Boy\” if your fondness or attachment to your mother interferes with your other relationships, even though you are trained from infancy to love, respect, and care for your mother.

Being a mama\’s boy is not the worst thing in the world, but in all honesty, men who fit this description tend to be quite difficult to deal with and extremely irritable.

These ten signs will help you determine whether you are a mommy\’s boy or not if you have any doubts:


1. You never stop telling your mum Everything 

It is assumed that you will eventually cease telling your mother everything, yet even as an adult, you cannot consider your connection with your mother to be private. the reason why? The most important woman in your life is still your mother.

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You keep your mother up to speed on every facet of your life, from your monthly income and expenses to your eating regimen and even your sex activities. The startling thing is that it doesn\’t seem strange to you.

And to make matters worse, you never seem to be able to decide without her input or approval. You contact your mother and read the email to her to see whether you are being too harsh before sending it to your coworker.

You instantly go to the bathroom after your girlfriend performs a new motion during sex and contact your mother to inquire about whether it indicates that she is cheating. In essence, you still complain to your mother and you always follow her advice because, well, mom always knows best!

2. You live in your mother\’s house.

Your mother is your best friend, your first love (if not your only love), and your support system even though you are 27 years old and ought to be living independently by now. You can\’t even begin to contemplate life without her. Without her, you are unable to function.

Living at home with your mother now seems absurd, even though it still makes sense to you at age 30, so you move out but hire her to do the interior decorating.

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So that she feels at home when she arrives, you want her to decorate it however she pleases. To demonstrate your unwavering commitment, you even have a sizable photo frame of her in your living room. When you eventually get married, you explain to your wife that since your mother is part of the family, you must move into a three-bedroom home since she needs a separate bedroom.

3. You speak to your mother every day

You don\’t make phone calls and you don\’t really enjoy talking to people, yet you call your mother every day. It doesn\’t even seem like a chore, to be honest.

You can recite your mother\’s phone number off by heart and in your sleep. When something new occurs to you or when you have exciting news, she is the first person you call.

Additionally, you call her to calm down when you are stressed. In fact, she frequently calls again after you hang off the phone. On some days, she calls you three to five times.

She must be like an obsessional ex-girlfriend since you simply cannot press the ignore button when she calls because, well, you want to talk anytime, any day.

4. Your partner bears a striking resemblance to your mother

When it comes to the women you date, you appear to have a type; ironically, the type to which you are drawn is always similar to your mother.

It might be their physical appearance, such as their skin tone, height, body type, or eyes.
It might be their character, demeanor, sense of style, hairdo, or morals and beliefs. The fact is, you only seem to find yourself drawn to women that resemble your mother.

You don\’t have an Oedipus complex, and you don\’t find it disturbing at all (apart from that one time you accidentally called your girlfriend \”mom\”).

Of course, your mum is the ideal woman and it’s hard to stray away from the kind of relationship you’ve known your entire life.


5. If your mom doesn’t like someone, they’re out

It might be their physical appearance, such as their skin tone, height, body type, or eyes.

It might be their character, demeanor, sense of style, hairdo, or morals and beliefs. The fact is, you only seem to find yourself drawn to women that resemble your mother.

You don\’t have an Oedipus complex, and you don\’t find it disturbing at all (apart from that one time you accidentally called your girlfriend \”mom\”).

That way, you do not have to cut them off if she disapproves.

6. You struggle to look after things or clean up after yourself

Your mother does everything for you, including grocery shopping, laundry, dishwashing, and garbage cleanup. She basically spoils you to keep you close, and you make the most of it.

Unfortunately, you discover when you relocate to a new city that you have no idea how to handle such problems. You cross it off your list of difficulties related to being single. You can either hire a cleaning service or ask your girlfriend to do them for you.

after you visit them, you don\’t make the bed, and after you finish dining, you leave the dishes on the table.

7. When you go shopping, you constantly have something on your mind for Mom

Valentine\’s Day and even your wedding anniversary may slip your mind, but your mother\’s birthday will always be remembered.
You start thinking about a present for her at least six months beforehand. You even think of deviating from your budget to buy her the car you promised her back when you were a teenager sobbing into her lap about life\’s difficulties.

You find yourself subconsciously hunting for items to buy her whenever you enter a store or purchase online, even when it is not her birthday or Mother\’s Day.

8. In most cases, the only girl who has witnessed you cry is your mom

You are a macho man to the world. masculine apex. Nothing bothers you, but even a mild reprimand from your mother sends you into a tailspin of sadness and days of sobbing.

At some time in their lives, most individuals become desensitized to their mothers\’ guilt, but not you. No matter how tough you are, if she is around, your sensitive sideshows. You notice that you are once again behaving childishly and even whining about trivial matters that you would never complain about in front of others, not even your girlfriend or wife.

9. When things don\’t go your way, you often snap

You know you can be obstinate and brash when you are unable to get what you want, even though you would never acknowledge it to anybody else.

You act out and have tantrums when things don\’t go your way because you believe that the world should revolve around you and not the other way around.

This belief was cultivated by your mother\’s constant attention to your needs.

10. Mom comes first for you in everything

You are prepared to put everything on hold in order to cater to your mother\’s demands. Even though your wife is expecting a child, you won\’t accompany her to the hospital because your mother requests a massage for her swollen leg.

You made a commitment to show up for your kids\’ graduation, but sadly, you\’ll have to go to the next one since you need to drive your mother to the dentist.

She will always win, despite the fact that you know she is in the wrong. You deal with their BS as needed because anyone\’s opinion of her is equivalent to that person\’s opinion of you.

Source: BellaNaija


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